Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today I played marble with Griff. We just got the marbles yesterday.
I just found out that rose is going to be teaching computers at my school. But she is going to be teaching the stuff that I already know how to do. )-:. But it is a time waster, less school.(-: In a month and a half I get two months off from school.(-: but I still will have to do homeschool)-:
I had 13 maRBLEs but my brother won 4 away from me. But I will just get new ones. 20 shillings per marble = about 2 cents. When I get back I will put together the best slideshow about our time

1 comment:

norgrove said...

Hi Sy -- don't lose all your marbles while you're in Africa! How are you doing with the heat? Love, Bop and Charline