Saturday, February 28, 2009

hello every one (well every one thats there)
im in england!!!!!!
isn't it amazing that yesterday i was in africa this week im in eurup and next week i'll be in asi
well we had a 5 hr flight from dar es salaam to dubai and a 8 hr flight from dubai to london.
we flew on emerites (the best plane company out there),and man did they ever have good food!!(i had the kids meal witch had a mars bar in it!!! and for breakfast i got some stuff with a kit kat and m&m's!!!)
well flying to turkey in five days witch is going to be another great exprence!
see ya

Thursday, February 26, 2009

after safari

Well it was a great Safari! We saw many things such as the elephant, Giraffe, hyena, warthog, mongoose, water buffalo, wildebeest, cheetah, rhino (also rhino beetle) lion (and ant lion), jackal, hippo, crocodile and lots and lots of BIRDS! Well, there is quite a bit I can’t remember or doesn’t come to my mind right now. We went with 2 medical student friends and a friend of theirs. Names: Medical students: Guy, Mark. Friend: Teana (like banana).
A funny part of the safari was when my dad would rage “The Gosh darn birds are hiding from me” or “I can hear them but I just cant seem to see them”. (We call him “a birder” now)
The owner of the lodge we stayed in at the Serengeti was from Barcelona. His name was Pepe.. He was very nice . The name of the lodge was Ikoma Safari lodge or safari camp. Pepe let me shoot his bow and arrow, but of course, he was better than me.
Also in the Serengeti our car broke down (we had to wait 2 hours, not even an animal or a bird to see).
We ended the safari driving back from the Serengeti down into the Ngorogoro Crater and saw more animals there. We came out of the crater and slept at a hostel (the mosquito nets were too small). The next day we drove to a T-shirt shop where I bought a shirt that says “endangered feces”. The animal feces that are on the T-shirt are Rhino, leopard and 2 others. We then went to another shop where I bought a rhino statue (my favorite animal) and a bracelet which I had, but ended up on my mom’s wrist. Before lunch we drove to the Lake Manyara Park and saw more animals and birds (we had some troubles getting into the Lake Manyara park because of money problems)
Finally we drove back to Arusha for the night. On the way we stopped at a snake park. We went to pay but it was 10 US dollars each. So we asked if our Residents permit lowered the price and sure enough the price was then 1000 shillings or 1 dollar. Ok, now lets talk about the snakes. Well first off, we saw a HUGE PYTHON !!!Now I’ll give you a story of what a python can do… “One day a Dutch Farmer goes missing in Malaysia. Some people find a sleepy fat python trapped under something. The people kill the snake , cut it open and there was the farmer inside “ (This is a real story !!). We also saw a Red spitting cobra, black momba (most venomous), green momba, puff adder, night adder, black forest cobra, and some crocodiles which were huge. Then we saw owls, and tortoises and other animals.
We took the bus to Moshi the next day and took a bus from Moshi to Muheza the day after that.
It was a fantastic safari and I wish you could see it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


sorry i havn't bloged lately
2 will be coming sone
find the mistake
